Stop the clocks, it's amazing,
You should see the way the light dances off your head,
A million colors of hazel, golden and red.
Saturday morning is fading,
The sun's reflected by the coffee in your hand,
My eyes are caught in your gaze all over again.
This is a new dimension,
This is a level where we're losing track of time,
I'm holding nothing against it, except you and I.
I won't be silent and I won't let go,
I will hold on tighter 'til the afterglow,
And we'll burn so bright 'til the darkness softly clears.
-- CJT Dream Dance 夢舞團 --
The CJT Dream Team has been hard at work, and it is time to announce our 4th Annual Summer Showcase - Afterglow!
The pandemic has impacted our lifestyle in so many ways; however, our enthusiasm for dance is alive! Over the last year hope, dedication, and passion have guided CJT Dream Dance to seek new opportunities for our students, bringing class to a virtual space reaching all over the world, holding our Mission true. While there is still a journey ahead, we have bloomed, and now let's embrace our wings and fly on!
經過在大波士頓地區超過九年的舞蹈教學,蔡君柔(Mia)老師終於在今年舉行第四場與歷年來的學生們共同分享參與的夏日舞蹈盛宴“Afterglow | 光”。這場夏日盛宴不但詮釋出蔡君柔(Mia)這幾年來結合了東方與西方文化所有不同的舞蹈創作,從東方傳統的中國舞風(Chinese Dance),西方內斂的現代舞蹈(Contemporary Dance),孩童們的樂趣舞蹈(DreamKids),年輕熱力的流行舞蹈(DreamPop),以及培養下一代年輕孩童個人獨秀(DreamSolo)。讓在疫情下辛苦學習的夢舞者們,有機會參與實體表演的夏日舞蹈盛宴。
值得一提的是,在這個艱辛時期,蔡君柔(Mia)老師今年帶領CJT Dream Dance 夢舞團拿下多數總冠軍,表現優異!拿下2022『最佳評審獎』,『最佳團體舞第一名』,『最佳Solo舞第一名』,『最佳Trio舞第一名』等榮譽,為大波士頓華裔藝術家添增榮耀光彩。不僅明年將為更多對舞蹈有興趣的學生們精心編舞,並為大波士頓地區的學生們提供優質的教學服務。
夢舞團中國舞青年舞團DreamTeens|Fan Dance|玉靈兒|『最佳團體舞第一名』Overall Group 1st Place
夢舞團中國舞孩童舞團DreamKids|Flying Fairies|千手觀音|『最佳Trio舞第一名』Overall Trio 1st Place
夢舞團DreamSolo - Jayna|Home|歸期|『最佳Solo舞第一名』Ultimate, 1st Place, Overall Solo 6st Place
夢舞團DreamSolo - Esther|Violets|紫羅蘭|『最佳Solo舞第一名』Ultimate, High Points
夢舞團DreamSolo - Alexis|She Used To Be Mine|我|『最佳Solo舞第一名』1st Place, Overall Solo 3rd Place
夢舞團DreamSolo - Madison|Yikes|燃|『最佳Solo舞第三名』High Gold
夢舞團DreamSolo - Anna|Little Peacock|小孔雀|『最佳Solo舞第一名』Overall Solo 1st Place
1 | 基本功 I | Dance Technique I | 中国古典舞五千年, 一门具有深厚传统美学的舞蹈艺术。 舞蹈中国古典舞讲究手、眼、身法、步,此外更讲究形、神、劲、律 | |
2 | 基本功 II | Dance Technique II | 「舞」、「武」同源,「文」、「舞」相融,
跳、转、翻、毯子功行程『技巧』獨特的舞姿、跳躍、旋轉、翻騰等舞蹈語言通過神韻銜接成一定的內容,編織出來千變萬化的舞蹈 | |
3 | 惊鸿舞 | Long Sleeve Dance | 彷彿兮若輕雲之蔽月
飄颻兮若流風之迴雪 | |
4 | 飞天敦煌 | DunHuang | 龟兹笔墨, 千年壁刻,
飞天壁画, 光芒再现 | |
5 | 尤物 | Pretty Savage | 就是要可爱又个性, 跟别人不一样,
保持漂亮, 美丽蛮横, | |
6 | 上瘾 | Arcade | 了一场必败游戏, 早在开始前就已看见尽头, 知道会失败却仍然持续付出, | |
7 | 爱 | I Love You | 当感情逐渐走下坡, 像在死巷子里打转, 即使 I Love you, 我们都该学会试着往前 | |
8 | 玉灵儿 | Fan Dance | 她们妙巧如画, 闪如玉,
她们灵气逼人, 气宇不凡 | 『最佳團體舞第一名』Overall Group 1st Place |
9 | 燃 | Yikes | 就是炸, 就是燃,
飞炫帅劲, 燃烧舞台 | 『最佳Solo舞第三名』High Gold |
10 | 我的小姐 | Senorita | 內心悸動無法掩蓋, 想要逃離卻又不自覺得向你靠近 | |
11 | 点绛唇 | Rouged Lips | 白雪凝琼貌, 明珠点绛唇 | |
12 | 紫色香氣 | Violeta | 闭上眼能感受你的香气, 隐隐约约陷入其中 | |
13 | 我 | She Used To Be Mine | 灵魂与生活碰撞, 剩下的是什么? 经过岁月的试炼与洗礼, 当初那个乐观, 善良, 努力的女孩, 还在吗? | 『最佳Solo舞第一名』1st Place, Overall Solo 3rd Place |
14 | 葬心 | Buried The Heart | 蝴蝶儿飞去心亦不在, 凄清长夜谁来拭泪满腮 | |
15 | 紫罗兰 | Violets | 高洁幽兰, 独秀一方, 清香欲乘, 春风横溢 | 『最佳Solo舞第一名』Ultimate, High Points |
16 | 悸动 | Nonstop | 心动不已, 悸动无边, 不知从何开始, 不想只是朋友. | |
17 | 这世界这么多人 | The World With So Many Persons | 这世界有那么多人, 多幸运我拥有我们, 笑声中浮过几张旧模样, 永远活在我飞扬的青春 | |
18 | 梅香如故 | As It Is | 暮色迟迟春已晚, 花开盛艳花易残, 梅香一缕清浅, 仿佛故人梦中相见 | |
19 | 千手观音 | Flying Fairies | 千手千眼观世音, 庄严神圣, 安详仁慈, 为世人祈福, 增益, 降伏, 息灾 | 『最佳Trio舞第一名』Overall Trio 1st Place |
20 | 野丫头 | Tomboys | 假面的爱情, 不值得流一滴泪或浪费一秒时间, 主宰的是我 | |
21 | 鸿音 | Lute | 西域城破楼兰, 异域琵琶雕琢, 鸿音回荡, 千年缭绕 | |
22 | 棒棒der | Bang! Bang! Bang! | High起来吧, 巨大的尖叫是带有魔性的旋律, 跟着我们的舞步, 解开僵锁, 燃烧心脏吧 | |
23 | 女王 | Solo | 做真实的自己, 像自在的风, 高挂的星星. 单身的贵族, 光芒万丈! | |
24 | 归期 | Return | 浓墨沾心事, 寒夜怎寄相思, 望破远方来时路, 山海风雨自有归期 | 『最佳Solo舞第ㄧ名』Ultimate, First Place, Overall Solo 6st Place, Judge's Choice, Perfect Picture Award |
25 | 傣 | Dai Dance | 云雾中的西双版纳, 小云滇的清风流水, 飒爽的女子似涓涓的细流 , 温柔而细腻;有时像大江的洪流, 迅涌而澎拜 |

Performances by 表演團體:
CJT Dream Dance 夢舞團
夢舞團中國舞青年舞團DreamTeens Chinese Dance Troupe
夢舞團中國舞孩童舞團DreamKids Chinese Dance Troupe
夢舞團嘻哈孩童DreamKids Hip-hop Dance Troupe
夢舞團中國成人舞團DreamAdults Chinese Dance Troupe
夢舞團現代成人舞團DreamAdults Contemporary Dance Troupe
To supports local performances, we truly believe it is important now, more than ever, for our community to come together in support of the arts. Please consider supporting the event by making a donation, subject: "Go Dream".
Venmo - Please Venmo to @miajou0310.
BOA/Zelle - Please Zelle to 678-761-7997, ChunJou Tsai.
Check - Please write a personal/cashier check payable to "CJT Dream Dance LLC".
Credit/Debit - This may be done through Venmo/Zello, no credit/debit at this moment.
Please have the correct amount as a change may not be available.
Hosted by 主辦單位:
Sponsor by 熱情贊助:
Wellesley Toyota - The Ko Automotive Group
Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices - Lily Simmons
AeLeeMD Plastic Surgery and Laser Center
Century Chinese Language School
If you have any questions, please contact