A dream,
Like a shooting star,
Crossing the dark blue sky from the far east,
A dance,
Like the beauty of a flower,
Ready to shine bright,
Blooming in the summer this year.
A Summer Showcase you don't want to miss.
After five years of teaching in the Greater Boston Area, ChunJou Tsai (Mia) is proud to present "A Dance in Bloom", her first evening-length performance dedicated to her students. In 2018, Mia has officially launched her own studio brand, CJT Dream Dance, with classes beginning in February. Bringing together all of her students, this performance will be a culmination of her ongoing youth and adult classes, showcasing a wide variety of dance styles from Chinese dance to Contemporary to Hip-hop. In addition to celebrating the students of CJT Dream Dance, this performance will also be a wonderful opportunity for students to share the joy of dance with family and friends.
經過在大波士頓地區超過五年的舞蹈教學,蔡君柔(Mia)老師終於在今年舉行一場與歷年來的學生們共同分享參與的夏日舞蹈盛宴“A Dance in Bloom | 綻”。這場夏日盛宴不但詮釋出蔡君柔(Mia)這五年來結合了東方與西方文化所有不同的舞蹈創作,從東方傳統的中國舞風(Chinese Dance),西方內斂的現代舞蹈(Contemporary Dance),孩童們的樂趣舞蹈(DreamKids),年輕熱力的流行舞蹈(DreamPop),以及培養下一代年輕孩童個人獨秀(DreamSolo)。值得一提的是,蔡君柔(Mia)老師終於在今年成立CJT Dream Dance Studio為大波士頓地區的學生們提供優質的教學服務。
Performances by 表演團體:
CJT Dream Dance Studio Program
-Chinese Dance/Contemporary Dance/DreamPop/DreamSolo
Jia-Yun Dance Troupe
Melody Dance Troupe
WSCC Winchester School of Chinese Culture
LCS Lexington Chinese School
CCLS Century Chinese Language School
WEA Wellesley Chinese Enrichment Academy
Chelmsford Dance Troupe
Guest Performances by 特別嘉賓:
CJT Dream Project A Professional Contemporary Dance Group
ACAS American Chinese Art Society
活動資訊:A Dance in Bloom | 綻 - Summer Showcase 夏日盛宴
日期:2018年06月16日 (Sat 星期六)
時間:6:30 PM 入場 | 7:00 PM 表演開始
地點:Wellesley High School - KLB Jr. Auditorium
50 Rice St, Wellesley, MA 02481, USA
Tickets 票價:
a.) Premium - Zone A | $50
Package includes a front seat ticket at Zone A, an event DVD, a free single class. The funds raised in the sale of these tickets act as a donation to the CJT Dream Dance Studio. Thank you for your donation we hope you enjoy the show!
b.) General - Zone B | $25
A seat ticket at Zone B.
◤ Advanced Ticket - General Zone B | $22 ◢ - Limited Ticket
*Advanced ticket will be available from now till 06/03/2018.
◤ Early Bird Ticket - General Zone B | $20 ◢ - sold out
Early Bird ticket will be available from now till 05/15/2018.
c.) Student - Zone B | $18
A seat ticket at Zone B.
Must present valid student ID at the door.
Website 索票方式:
請上CJT Dream Dance官方網站活動頁面索票。
◤Support Dream關於節目冊廣告與贊助請洽:info@cjtdreamdance.com ◢
Hosted by 主辦單位:
Sponser by 熱情贊助:
*Doors open at 6:30pm. Show starts at 7:00pm.
*Seats are first come first serve.
*All rates are final, non-refundable.